Monday, May 27, 2013

SQL interview questions:Part1

1-  Difference in Delete truncate and Drop
  1. Truncate
    • Truncate is faster and used by fewer system.
    • Truncate can not be roll back.
    • It is DDL (Data Definition Language) command.
    • You can not use where clause with  Truncate command.
    • Truncate table statement deletes all data from a table without deleting the definition of table.
  2. Delete 
    •  Delete removes rows once at a time, means you can use delete with and without where clause.
    • Delete can be roll back.
    • It is DML (Data Manipulation Language) command.
    • DELETE does not reset the identity of the table.
  3. Drop
    • Drop command removes table definition including indexer, trigger, constraints.
2-  Difference between clustered and non-clustered index
  1. A clustered index
    • A clustered index is a type of index where the table records are physically re-ordered to math the index. A table can have only one clustered index. One of the most important point about clustered index is that "Primary Key has to be Clustered Index".
  2. A non-clustered index
    •  A non-clustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match physical order of the rows on disk.
3-  Important Data Types in SQL
Data Type Syntax
integer integer
numeric numeric (p,s)
decimal decimal (p,s)
float float (p,s)
character char (x)
date date
time time
bit bit (x)
real real
smallint smallint
4-  Create, Drop or Delete, Select and show Database
  1. Create a Database
    CREATE DATABASE  databaseName


  2. Delete or drop a Database


    DROP DATABASE dataBaseName


  3. Select a Database


    USE DataBaseName;


    SQL> USE Test;
  4. Show all Databases

    For SQL

    And For mysql

    mysql>Show DATABASES;

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